
“The education of youth is the most efficient and effective method of improving the welfare, condition, and future of all communities, citizens and families. The basis of all human improvement begins with education.”
– Herbert and Judy Paige

Our students attend 2-year and 4- year colleges in Colorado.  Some of our students have successfully transferred from community college to graduate from 4-year schools.  We have students who have graduated from: Community College of Denver, University of Colorado, Metro State, Colorado School of Mines, University of Northern Colorado, San Diego State University and San Diego Mesa College.  We are proud of our Paige Foundation graduates!

We support K-12 non-profits who demonstrate they are impacting college graduation rates for children from marginalized communities.  We have partnerships with College Track, Colorado Uplift, Denver Kids, Denver Scholarship Foundation, Girls Inc. and “I Have a Dream” of Boulder and the Colorado Dream Foundation.  These programs provide children the opportunity to break the cycle of poverty though social emotional education, school support, summer programs, mentoring and in some cases tuition towards college.

In 2022 the Paige Foundation donated $106,000 to the Denver Scholarship Foundation to support students attaining college degrees.

I Have a Dream of Boulder County
“I Have a Dream” of Boulder County

“We’re so grateful to The Paige Family Foundation for their generous support of our Dreamers. Because of their support, 5 new Dreamers will receive daily after-school and summer support in academics and cultural enrichment, and a four-year scholarship towards their post-secondary pursuits, preparing them for high school graduation, college enrollment, and college graduation!

We’re so delighted to have The Paige Foundation recognize, through their donation, not only the hard work of our organization, but also of our Dreamers who are studying, working, and yearning toward their Dreams towards a better future.”

-Lori Canova, MSW, President & Chief Executive Officer, “I Have a Dream” of Boulder County


Photo provided by Denver Scholarship Foundation

“As a first generation student, my parents push me—especially my dad—and motivate me to have good grades. Because of that I’ve always had the mindset to go to college and graduate with a good stable degree that can help me get a career after college.”

-Yared, Denver Scholarship Foundation recipient

The Denver Scholarship Foundation helped Yared graduate from high school and decide which college to attend.

College Success Stories


Photo provided by Community College of Denver

“A few years ago I had the lofty dream of becoming a dental hygienist. I am a single mom and I wanted to give my daughter the support she needed and teach her that she will one day be a strong woman and can do anything.

At the time my dream seemed nearly impossible. Being a recipient of the Herbert and Judy Paige scholarship has had a profound impact on my life.  If I had not received this scholarship my dream of higher education may not have been possible. The scholarship allowed me to worry less about my financial needs and focus more on my studies.

Support from the foundation financially and emotionally has made me believe my dream is possible.  Sunny has been very supportive by checking up on me and keeping in touch throughout this process. It means a lot to me to know there are those in my corner believing in me enough to fund my education.

I want to sincerely thank you for providing this scholarship not only to me, but to others also seeking out a better life for themselves and loved ones.”

In 2018 Lindsay earned her Bachelor of Applied Science in Dental Hygiene from the Community College of Denver.


“Receiving the Herbert and Judy Paige Family Foundation scholarship has been instrumental in my success. It has provided me the means to expand my education to the University of Colorado and given me added motivation to succeed. Receiving so much support has allowed me to maintain focus and sustain a high personal standard for academic success.  Without the concern of financial stress on my family, this support has given me the intellectual freedom to explore. I am honored to be a part of the Paige family due to the rigor the scholarship represents. I am proud to call myself part of this group because we represent the future and illustrate the depth and diversity necessary to advance our community.”

Brice attended the Community College of Denver and transferred to the University of Colorado in the Fall of 2019.  His major is Computer Science but he hopes to declare Electrical Engineering as a second major. Brice’s goal is to work in robotics and human-centered computing.


“Growing up in the less privileged and poor country of Vietnam has not only created financial and academic challenges, but has also helped me realize the value of education. As the first one in my family to attend College, I faced many challenges. Fortunately, I received the huge support from The Herbert and Judy Paige Family Foundation so that I could continue my education without worrying so much about finances. Receiving your support meant the world to my whole life. I really appreciate your generous support allowing me to attend the Community College of Denver and your support of my transferring to Colorado School of Mines.”

Hieu graduated from Colorado School of Mines in May 2018 with a Degree in petroleum engineering.

“Without the special support and generosity from the Paige Foundation, I would not be able to achieve my goal as a Petroleum Engineer. It is my pleasure to be a family member of the Paige Foundation. Thank you so much for giving me a better life.” ~Hieu Le


“It is the support offered to me by the Paige Foundation that has allowed me the opportunity to succeed and excel the way that I have. As I enter my senior year I think back and can’t help but see how much of an impact receiving this scholarship has really had on my life. It has allowed me the opportunity to pursue my dreams in ways that I never thought possible. The support has truly been a blessing and I cannot begin to let you know how much I treasure it, and all of you at the Paige Foundation. You all are wonderful people, doing wonderful things, and I’m glad to be a part of it. My dream is to be able to help others the way that you have helped me. With the support that you have offered me, I am certain that I will be in that position sooner than later! I just want to thank you all from the bottom of my heart for all that you have done for me!”

In 2019 Andy transferred from the Community College of Denver to Metropolitan State University of Denver.  Andy is Majoring in Computer Science and Minoring in Mathematics.


“I grew up in a poor, frequently homeless family, and I left as a teenager to live on my own. After more than a decade of working minimum wage, and simply “getting by” in life, I have committed myself to the pursuit of an education because I believe that this is the best way to improve my situation. Nobody in my family has ever received a college education, and I intend to be the first. My family has struggled with poverty, drug addiction, and homelessness for as many generations back as I have knowledge of. With your scholarship my goals are easily within my reach, and I am optimistic about my opportunities. I am doing well in my classes, and hold down a solid 4.0 GPA. It was not at all difficult for me to see how your scholarship impacted my education this semester.”

Thanks in part to the support of the Paige Foundation Ronald graduated from the University of Colorado Denver campus in May 2019 with a major in Physics and a minor in Chinese Studies.  Ronald is now attending the University of Colorado Denver to receive his Masters in Urban Education.  He will graduate in the fall of 2020.


“I’m grateful that the Paige Foundation is supporting not only my academics but they are really supporting me and my success. The scholarship has not only given me peace of mind on the financial side, but a sense of community that is here to support me and my goals through a hard transition into adulthood. Thank you to the Paige Foundation and everyone that is a part of it, you really have helped so many, and my goal is to one day be able to give back to others.”


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“It has meant so much to have the support of the Paige Foundation as I pursued a degree in nursing. I want to become a nurse so that I can care for others, and help people achieve their goals. I am so grateful and proud to be connected to such an incredible organization.”

Michela graduated in 2019 from San Diego State University with a degree in Nursing (BSN), thanks in part to the support of the Paige Foundation.  She is currently completing her residency as an oncology nurse.



“Here in America, life is safe, different, and challenging in new ways. I was born in Rwanda, in a poor village where life wasn’t easy. Because of the war, people were forced to move from their land in order to save their lives. After a period of time, my family and I were moved into a refugee camp. Life as a refugee was never easy. But now that I am in America, I have hope. Being here has changed my life, my family and my dreams. Instead of worrying about personal safety, I worry about professional safety. I know in my heart that I need a college degree to make all of the suffering worthwhile. I need a good job, my family needs the help, and my community needs a leader. I know education will be the only thing that makes me change my past. I know I must work harder than anyone to meet this dream.

I am attending college in order to support my family in the future. However, to be able to change my life and the life of my future family I must succeed today, tomorrow and in the coming years. It is my dream to make my family comfortable in our new country and take the lead for the future generations of my family to be educated and take advantage of our new life. So thank you for making this dream become a reality. Your support will not just help one person, but generations of Rwandans who will never be able to appreciate you through a letter. Thank you again for being part of my journey. I value every bit of support this opportunity is, and I only hope to keep growing with the support of my community.”

Thanks in part to the support of the Paige Foundation Nizeimana graduated in the Spring of 2019 with a Bachelors of Science in Civil Engineering.  Two weeks after graduation Nizeimana started his career as a construction engineer for Kiewit.


Stephanie“As the oldest child in my family I had to take on much responsibility and grew up faster than my friends due to my mother being deported. My father had to take care of two households which left little money for me and my two sisters. I had to get a job and help my family get financially stable. That impacted me a lot because it did not allow me to grow up as a normal teenager. I am currently majoring in engineering with the hope of one day having a master’s degree. Your generosity has inspired me to help others and give the most I can back to my community. I hope one day I will be able to help students achieve their goals just as you have helped me.”